The past few months have been very exciting and adventurous. I am beginning to learn, however, that excitement and adventure are par for the course for our household. Let’s begin with May.
May was exciting for many reasons. Brad’s brother Jeff, Jeff’s wife Danielle and their daughter Emma, along with Brad’s mom Sheri came to visit us in Korea. It was really nice having family fly all the way over to visit, and we had a great time showing them Korea – even the parts of the Korean lifestyle we aren’t always thrilled with. (Think: stinky bus rides, long walks through and to subways, and some of the food…) There were some really great parts of Korea we were thrilled to show off, however. Sheri and Danielle were especially enthralled with the landscaping. Since I had not even noticed the landscaping until their visit (!!!), it was an eye opening experience to hear their perspectives. We visited several palaces, and Emma was held by a famous Korean actress. Emma and Joshua played really well together, and he did his best to teach her all his bad habits.
In addition to the fam visiting, at the beginning of May we also found out that the stork will once again be paying us a visit in December sometime. Yahoo! We are not exactly sure of the due date, but hope to find out as soon as we establish a relationship with an OB here in the Pasadena/ Los Angeles area.
In making the move from East to West, we found ourselves back in the nomadic life; at least until we closed on our condo in mid-August. We were very sad to leave Korea – we had made some close friends while there, enjoyed our church, and dreaded the thought of moving once more. I had a wonderful send off from my MOPS and PWOC buddies – they threw baby #2 a “virtual shower” and did their best to make me cry with their sweet cards and kind words. (Thank you, Jamie, for organizing the shower!!) We are using the shower funds to buy the best, most tricked out playpen we can find… and do we need it!!
We left Korea the 21st and landed in L.A., where Brad had managed to score us a 4-day layover so we could house hunt. Those of you familiar with the California housing market understand what a daunting task it was trying to find a home. After a long weekend of frustration and no real luck, we headed to Lake Jackson, Texas, where movers met us to pack up all the post-Hurricane Katrina items that were still in storage. From there, Brad headed back to L.A. while Joshua and I stayed in Lake Jackson with my sister Amy and her family. My family and Brad’s dad and brother, Brian, did their best to pitch in and watch Joshua while I studied for the California bar, scheduled for July 24th – 26th. After an unproductive week, however, I decided it was best to impose on Sheri in Dallas, and she graciously agreed to watch the kiddo while I studied.
To make a long, long story short, Joshua and I stayed with Sheri and Gary while I studied. I took the bar in Long Beach, CA while Joshua stayed with Sheri, then headed back to Dallas, stayed for a few days, then on down back to LJ while Sheri and Gary went on vacation. We thought it would be best to stay with family while Brad house hunted and slept on the couch at our good friend Joe’s apartment.
It was very hard being apart for so long, but as of Friday the 17th of August we are all in one place – a condo in Pasadena – and Joshua is getting used to once more having to change his schedule. He really has been so very flexible despite all the different times and places to which he has had to adjust, and he seems to really enjoy exploring our new little home. We have had our Korean goods delivered, and we are waiting for some subcontractor work to finish before our stuff from Texas comes. Our fridge is on its way (the first one did everything but make things cold), Brad is getting a cell phone, and we finally have a new car. Whew! Always, always soooo much to do!
This pregnancy is going very well. The baby is moving all over the place and Joshua just loves to lay on my big belly. We are touring hospitals next week, and hopefully will have an OB very soon.
So, there is our quick update. Thank you to everyone who made our transition so smooth. We know how fortunate we are to have such wonderful friends and family. For those friends from Korea, we miss you. And for everyone, please stay in touch and send your updates when you get a chance!
We will try to keep this blog updated and we will soon post pics. Check back!!