Monday, September 17, 2007

Getting Organized

It is Monday. For me, Mondays seem to be my "go for it" days - the day of the week where I attempt to give our family a good start with a clean house, laundry, etc. We still have no date for when the movers will be bringing the rest of our household goods - you know, the shipment containing our actual furniture. However, I am not letting that stop me from my attempt to organize this place. I am not touching the office/ guest room, though. The past 3 hours of my life have been spent doing laundry (in our apartment complex's laundry facilities), taking care of/ playing with/ feeding Joshua, and organizing the mess we are currently calling a closet. As of right now, it isn't really all that easy to see the progress. Mostly a huge pile of stuff on the floor. The hanging clothes, however, look terrific. They are in order by clothing type, shirts on top, slacks/ pants on bottom, with an entire rack just waiting for long clothing. If you don't look down, the closet actually seems pretty organized, spacious and nice. Unfortunately, I have to look down. So, I am off. Back to organizing. But, it will be GREAT when I finish. I can't decide whether or not to post the before pictures, but count on afters!

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