Friday, September 7, 2007

Teething, revisited

Joshua was up all night Wednesday night (which of course means Brad and I were up all night Wednesday...). He just cried and cried. Brad and I were beside ourselves with worry and concern, and that helpless feeling all parents experience of just NOT KNOWING HOW TO FIX IT. Joshua's day sleep has been changing lately from two naps a day to one, and we don't quite have it figured out just yet. So Thursday I had no idea how to proceed. Let him sleep and catch up on all that lost sleep? Keep him awake and try to make him sleep during what I have decided should be his nap time? We were worried about getting him off his night sleep schedule, so I finally decided to keep him up and active until nap time. After a short morning nap, we went to our friends' house - Dylan and his mom Briana - and played. Joshua made it until 1:30, then I put him down for a nap. He only slept an hour, when he is used to sleeping at least 3 hours during the day. He was so sad and unhappy all day and I was still worried. I gave him Tylenol before putting him to bed Thursday night, and, miracle of miracles, he slept all night. Friday morning, I saw the culprits to my kiddo's discomfort. Teeth where there were none. Yep, teething is back, and it never even occurred to us. But at least now we know the "cure."

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