Monday, September 7, 2009

Jacob Loves Yogurt

Just because I finally figured out how to post video directly to my blog. Fun! Jacob can eat his body weight in yogurt, and will do so if we let him. He ate 6 - yes, 6 - containers of yogurt in less than two days. And that is me limiting him to 6. So, I am going to have to finally bite the bullet and make my own yogurt because this is getting seriously expensive. But, he is so cute when he is eating it, how the heck can I resist?


dillyweed said...

Love that video. And the one of the boys up in the window is really sweet.
And I must comment on your new Vera Bradley bag in the background of this video. Very nice indeed!
Miss you oodles. So great to see a video of you guys. Now we all need one of you in it. ;)

Christy said...

LOL - you will get a video of me when I feel at all video worthy. Look for that in about a year or so, HA! We miss you guys, too.