Things are crazy around here, as usual! We are staying busy with tons of summer activities including visits to the zoo, lots of water time, visiting friends and plenty of park action.
The boys are doing really well. Jacob can now sit with no problems and is really trying to talk. He seems to be saying "Mama" with purpose, but that could be mommy ears interpreting! At his 6 month check up he weighed 22 lbs and was 27 inches long, so 100th percentile all around. He is a big boy! He is a social baby and wants to have human contact as much as possible. He has had a tough time with sleeping through the night, but otherwise is doing really well. He is such a happy baby and just lights up the room with his sweet smiles. He now has a very solid giggle and laugh, and he is very ticklish. So funny to hear him chuckle - his whole body bounces up and down! He has such thoughtful expressions - more than one friend has commented that he looks like he has an "old soul". I agree - he just has such a look about him. He loves his brother Joshua and is now eating solids.
Joshua is doing fabulously. He is so much fun - singing, dancing, smiling all the time, and his laugh...the best laugh!! He still struggles with his speech issues - but has made a lot of progess. He has been diagnosed with developmental apraxia, which is a motor planning issue. He sees a speech therapist twice a week and goes to preschool as part of his treatment, and these have helped a great deal. Once of his first sentences (a few weeks back) was, "Mommy, don't sing, please." I am not sure, but he may be requesting on behalf of the universe! I was so excited that he was making a sentence, even if it does show that he may not have an ear for truly great music!! (at least he was polite, right??) He has also mastered the use of the word "No" and uses it often. Unhappily for me, at times! He loves swimming and is very brave when wearing his water wings - he won't let us hold him in the water anymore if he has them on. Without them, though, he is still pretty cautious. Here's hoping this stays!!
Brad is always busy, with tons of work and projects in progress. He is presenting at a conference in Hawaii in the Fall, so yahoo! We get to go to Hawaii! We are also planning a trip to Florida at the end of August and a Las Vegas getaway in October. Vegas is a 5 hour car ride from here, so we are going to take advantage and find out what the fuss is all about.
I will try to be better about posting - no promises, though, until I get more than an hour of sleep at a time!! (Jacob really really needs to sleep longer!)
1 comment:
Christy, it's good to see that all is well with you. We are in Germany now and I have begun the impossible task of searching for a job. I'm hoping that everything falls into place. I love the way that Jacob and Joshua are in matching outfits in the pictures. Too cute!!! Hope that you are having a great summer Here is our family blog so you can see what is going on in our lives. Keep in touch.
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